Monday, December 04, 2006


A number of paths of thought converged recently on the idea of what we leave behind when we're gone and in particular, how the symbol of light represents these paths. The symbol is a strong one which is often used to represent abstract notions of guidance, hope, and warmth. When someone is described as a beacon, or the Light of the World, we know what is meant.

Some thoughts on the subject came to mind at last week's funeral for a friend's father and the memories and impressions he left with people. The common theme to stories about him where about the how he'd made a difference to the lives of the people around him as a father, friend, teacher, coach, and person. Another link to the image came courtesy of a Muse CD which Fel passed along to me. Matthew Bellamy from the band says this about life: "You've got to make the most of what you've got here and spread as much influence as you can. I believe that you only live through the influence that you spread, whether that means having a kid or making music". Whether this giving someone hope, shedding light on new ideas, or being flint for a spark of creativity, it is easily thought of in light imagery. The last impression was something F had one pointed out to me about photography. A long exposure shot taken at night of people passing by would show no people, only lights: the only trace left is literally the light they leave behind.

1 comment:

Seeing_Spots said...

It is interesting to note though that if a person is still long enough during (night)overexposure that they leave more than just the reflected light of their passing but rather their actual outline and depending on how long they stay still even personal details.
Maybe we all influence our worlds more than we know. Do you ever wonder why you happen to meet a particular person especially one to whom you seem to share very little with but that stays in your life for an 'extended exposure'?
I think sometimes it is to those whose detail we know so well, that make us blind to what they have to teach.
It would be great to be so inspiring that one leaves but just a trail of light but I think even greater if one was steady like a rock to truly inspire a few. Your friend's father sounded like such a person.