Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Random acts of kindness - good timing

I was feeling a little down after work today. Friends and colleagues are just busy doing summer things and I remarked to F (my ex) at the usual Tues. night swing dance last night that I'd been waiting to meet someone for summer to begin in some ways. The days at the beach, weekends away from the city, long Friday night suppers at a restaurant were all waiting to happen. It dawned on me that it's coming on mid-August and, well, that these things probably wouldn't happen this summer. Summer's nearly over before it had a chance to start.

Then it happened.

Feeling a little restless and not in the mood to make dinner just yet, I checked my Lavalife account. What? Two emails? Hmm. I thought it was just an announcement, at first. But, no, they were from actual people. One from someone saying that they'd met someone else, but offering consolation in saying they thought I was one of the few good ones. That's not something one sees everyday in the dating game: a touch of humanity. Many points to J for being that considerate. The second email was a reply from someone who apologized for their late response, giving an explanation for being busy and their hotmail address. Even though nothing may become of these emails, I thought this was an incredible set of responses to happen today, of all random days.

Thanks to both of you for reaching out when you didn't have to.

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