Sunday, August 13, 2006

Plateau Victim (c)

Spent a great end of day Saturday and into the night in full-on Montreal mode. First, a bike ride on the Lachine Canal from Atwater out to Lachine and back. Although windy, the moderate, sunny weather and interesting clouds made for a great ride. This was followed by a meandering walk through the Plateau with a stop at Lafontaine Park to catch the encore of the Orchestre Metropolitain's performance, supper at NueVo , a relaxed stop for good coffee at Plan B, and drinks and conversation at Barmacie Baldwin. It's been a little while since I've had a real Montreal night out like that, so thanks for a great night and great company.

Que nos prochains nous méritent. Santé!

(c) A phrase which F coined.

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