Monday, July 31, 2006

At some point in our 20s, time speeds up

Or maybe we just slow down.

In my twenties, I can recall feeling that I had time to do things, that I could wait another day, week, month, or even months before acting on an idea, feeling, or urge. Now, marching towards my mid thirties, time seems to be moving a little more quickly. Perhaps we move so fast in our twenties, that relative to ourselves, time doesn't seem as fast. As we slow down in our thirties, partly due to age, partly due to just being more settled and anchored in life, time seems to glide by at a quicker pace. Although I have more patience, that feeling of fleeting time also urges me to act where I used to waiver. That change has been gradual and those who have known me a long time would probably not even see it, but I know and feel it in my own thoughts and actions.

The interesting corollary to time moving more quickly with age is being less concerned about what others think. That combination of sensing the importance of acting to seize a moment and being less self-conscious is definitely making life interesting. It's nothing revolutionary, but coupled with more personal stability and good health, Life, I must say, is pretty darned good these days.

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